
I believe I took this picture right at the intersection where there's a turn down toward Soonchunhyang Hospital. The police were regulating traffic flowing out but not in. They let me pass.

Here's the intersection with the former Woodstock on the right.

Quite a lot of emergency vehicles. Maybe they were moving bodies by this time.

As I got closer to the center, people seemed more worried.

Here's the crowd right in front of Hamilton Hotel.

There was a fleet of ambulances, not to mention a lot of cops.

This was just a costume.

Here's the view from the Hamilton roof. You can see stretchers that might be carrying bodies.

Looking east.

Not sure what Pink Lie is.

Here's the view to the east, away from the disaster.

This one is from my phone.

I stepped out an odd door into the alley to the west of the Hamilton, and was confronted with this scene.

Downhill, people's belongings lined the alley. At this point it wasn't clear what had happened, where it had happened, or how many had died.

I had still thought the disaster had occurred inside a nightclub (presumably this one).

Looking uphill, I saw more emergency workers.

This is another phone photo.

Nobody seemed to care that I was there so I wandered up. You can see teh stairs I came down from on the left.

While behind the police tape, I took this picture showing people's belongings.

I took this picture to show where we were. Workers were inside cleaning up this club.

One of the survivors gave me this juice pack for helping out. I told her it was the best trick-or-treating gift I'd ever received.

There's this tag on the construction site across the alley from me now.

Journalists are assembled in front of the alley by dawn.

The command center.


This board has some data that had been updated.

This one shows a timeline of when things happened.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2022