Look Beyond Fest in Cheonan

Millie doesn't look thrilled that I'm leaving again.


Seen on an abandoned building in Cheonan. Armpit hair?

There were posters for the show all over.

Admittedly, "One Shot Sun Kill" is pretty clever.

In a clothes shop, this dog surprised me on a pile of fabrics.

I swear this cat ran away from me three times when I went by.

Jae-hyeon shows off his new shirt.

Jenny interviews Victor.

Right across the street is an abandoned building with a bowling alley.

And there was another small dog in here.

She runs a shop making couples' hanboks for you and your pet.

Jenny Woo soundchecks.

This is probably the actual set now.

There was a cable problem so the sound guy tried to keep his finger on it.

Victor is on standby to swap cables.

Very attractive show poster.

Next was Kitsches.

Around now, Victor rammed into me right in the gut.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2018