Seun Sangga

This is Jinyang Sangga, the southernmost tower of the whole complex, and I believe currently its tallest point.

This is the building most commonly called Seun Sangga, which I consider the second-least authentic after Hyundai Sangga was demolished a decade ago.

From here, you can better see the overpasses that have been created to connect Seun with the building I'm standing on, Cheonggye Sangga.

North of the whole complex, they developed this weird elevator.

I went inside for a look at the atrium area.

Looking back at Cheonggye Sangga, which isn't a very optimal view right now due to the sunlight.

Getting better but still not ideal.

A look at the northernmost surface of the complex.

In the square out front, here's an elderly guy sitting on one of the many benches provided.

At this point, I'm just shooting a lot waiting for the lighting to balance out.

Here's another look at Seun Sangga as the lights come on.

Because it faces north Cheonggye was harder.

Here is a picture of this thing during the daytime.

Here's one from the newly built overpass connecting the two buildings over Cheonggyecheon.

This one is from slightly higher up.

Looking north of the whole thing, there's Jongmyo in the distance.

On the roof of Seun.

And the same northward view from the roof, in which you can see Sungkyunkwan University directly north.

I'm not sure what to think of all this additional structure built on the roof.

Looking toward Dongdaemun Market.

And a closer look at an old building next to the complex.


I managed to get onto one very hard to reach area on Seun Sangga, when someone left a door open.

Out front.

The park is starting to light up.


This view again, less shadows.

Lights coming on.

The front facade of Seun Sangga.

A further back view.

This cafe is said to be pretty old school.

Back inside, the building is starting to light up.

Blue hour out here.

Looking toward the downtown core.

The downtown core, complete with the Eye of Sauron.

Out in front.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2018