Earthquake Drill Aftermath

Buster lost everything.

Here are the apartments in the daytime.

I wish a cat inflicted this damage.

This is just puzzling.

Climbing up to the roof.

More pigs.

She wants me to put on lots of skin lotion for some reason.

The graffiti is from the drill.

I looked back over my shoulder at Cat, and when I turned around I discovered that the debris I was approaching was bodyparts. I hyperventilated for about 20 seconds, then Cat came over to see why I was making that noise and did it too.

It was hard to read the label.

Bandaged earthquake survivor.

Is that the Ramones pictured?

Park Gyeong-ju, 37, didn't survive.

This was the most terrified she could look.

A view of the smashed buildings in the daytime. This was toppled by machines.

Probably also machines. It's special to see a roof on the ground.

Studying in progress.

We got to the roof for a better view of the earthquake damage.

I think there was a bit of rain on my lens filter.

A very wide panorama. Full view here.

Cat wanted me to get some pictures of her here.

Not sure why it got so dark.

This is clearly done by excavators.

This building was heavily used in the earthquake drill.

Don't cross the tape.

I haven't heard of this company before.

Looks like it's carrying asbestos.

Abandoned medicine.

They did AIDS testing here.

And they made Hulks.

This is the farm you go to when you die here.

There was also an Oriental medicine clinic.

Medical clinic lit by flashlight after dark.

We ended up in Bill Cosby for supper.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2016