
This was visible over a fence leading up to the apartments.

Initially I thought this was a school. It still could be, I guess, but it clearly hadn't been being used as a school when it closed.

A complaint about all the asbestos kicked up by demolition.

This was seconds away from being a really amazing shot of that cat you can see running away to the right.

Between the base and the construction was this huge fence. Usually they're built so the bars are on the inside. Unless this one is meant to keep people from getting out?

Getting in was predictably no problem.

Getting out could be another story.

Left: battalion headquarters
Also left: unity barracks
Also left: official residence (probably the base commander's home)

The thing was sealed up pretty tight.

Both signs are about illness, but the one on the right bears the logo of the ROK Army's 17th Infantry Division, nicknamed Lightning, as well as an image of Hogugy, the mascot of the ROK Army, whose name means "patriotism" and I think is also kind of a pun on "horangi," the Korean word for tiger.

You can see how close the base was to the apartments. No privacy for the soldiers, which must have at one point been a major problem.

Flooded basement.

Inside, I'd be willing to believe these rooms served as barracks.

The washrooms were decorated with little figurines like this here and there.

Broken off at the ankles.

Considering the training that 17ID seems to go through, it was strange seeing childish signs around here, such as this one asking you to knock before entering.

The second floor had enjoyably easy roof access.

I've done enough translating for now to worry about what looks like poetry. It does seem to be military related, at least.

When I was translating this (which turned out to be relatively inocuous as far as I could find), I typed in the first four characters and it immediately gave me "fucking ever."

Loudspeakers are pointed toward the construction site.

Now that's what I call design.

I initially thought this could be a grave, but now I suspect it's more just to represent this slogan: "Like an older brother, like a younger brother."

The chapel.

That date actually seems shockingly recent for this place.

This seems to be what was previously described as "official residence."

103rd Infantry Brigade 1 battalion commander

Considering the terrain on the other side of the wall, this does not seem to be a very defensible position. Up there is where I took the first bunch of pictures looking down on this.

This are was the most heavily protected, despite the fact they were within easy range of a molotov cocktail from the road. These buildings were used for munitions storage.

The structures themselves were just empty rooms.

Munitions checklist.

I believe the main jist of this is "authorised personnel only."

I'm curious what the purpose of these could have been. Basically, two plastic bottle halves that are hanging from the door. Used for measuring powder?

I was thinking this would be a really good place to camouflage yourself.

The fence is not in good shape.

The guard tower exists to control access from an upper entrance.

Found inside the guard shack. I could believe that is a very rough map of this side of the base (leaving off the main building) in the upper left. It seems to be instructions on what to do in the event of a munitions locker disaster.

This is basically the view shown in the diagram, though the buildings on the right side aren't quite as visible anymore.

The back entrance.

This was clearly visible in the diagram.

One of the lower buildings.

The sign lists tung oil heater and laziator (though I'm going to assume it's a misspelling of radiator). The canisters are for gas for a heater.

It's interesting how the plants grow through the cracks in the concrete.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2013