City Hall

Here's City Hall from Seoul Plaza. The old building, now a library, stands before the new building, that glass monstrosity above it.

Seems like apt commentary for the new design.

Fortunately for me, the front doors were unlocked.

The library wasn't open yet, but nobody stopped me from walking around.

In this room I asked some workers if I could take pictures, and one guy said "I don't know." So I said "Then...yes" and started shooting.

Up on the main rooftop level is a museum for some of the old building materials. They did a similar thing in Culture Station 284, which seems like it was a hit.

Looking back at New City Hall reflecting us.

The nice new rooftop garden of Old City Hall is about to get crushed by an incoming tsunami.

At the top looking down through the middle.

I should emphasise: at the very top.

These windows aren't blown out--I think the light is artificial.

Out in the plaza, I saw an interesting architecture exhibition. Here are some schematics of the Hanok village that's planned for Eunpyeong-gu. It should be very interesting how the traditional Hanok design is adapted to modern technology. I'm sure this will be very far from the traditionalist Hanok lifestyle that's slowly dwindling away in central Seoul, but this will be an entirely new creation and way of living.

A protester from North Ahyeon stands in front of City Hall. In short, he's trying to get the mayor's attention to hired goons in his neighbourhood, and I think he's begging for North Ahyeon not to become the next Yongsan.

The interior of New City Hall looked more like an Expo pavilion.

An interesting blend of high-tech architecture and organic. Those plants are alive.

Overlooking Old City Hall's roof and Seoul Plaza.

There's a cafe up on the top floor.

The way down is very pleasant, with escalators allowing you to enjoy the open spaces.

I wish there were up escalators too so I could get pictures like this with faces.

This is starting to feel like Willy Wonka's factory.

There goes the Great Glass Elevator.

Next, I made a trip up to my favourite downtown rooftop. The last few times I'd been here I'd been busted, so I think it's been a couple years since I'd returned. Seems to be much easier during the daytime--instead of locked doors and alarms to contend with, now it's all about getting by tons of workers.

The view of Seoul Plaza and both City Hall buildings.


Enhanced colours because I was planning on miniaturising this, but messed up.

I think this is the shot I ran in the article.

Never seen that building before. It must be related to the British embassy.

Back down on the street.

Crossing that street was more of a hassle than it should've been.

Oh look, it's our friends Mannam.

They seemed to be going after Koreans of all ages, not foreigners (though I was the only one there at the time).

Getting ready to introduce God to the world--I mean Promised Pastor Lee Man-hee--I mean...World Peace. Yeah, World Peace.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2011