Wolyeong Park

We spent a few hours sitting on this bridge.

Phil looks stoic.

I thought he was gazing into the distance thoughtfully, but he's pretending to pee.

Badass bike.

Badass boy.

The bike owners.

Time for more Hwatu.

The park across the river has a traditional village, a museum, and a movie studio.

That hole in the top is the magpie hole, where the previous restaurant got its name.

Squashed frog.

I believe this is in the movie studio area.


That's what this says.

I ended up taking pictures for this family on their camera.

Back on the bridge.

Angie tried teaching Phil and me how to play.

Sounds like a good time. Full name redacted.

These people came to watch foreigners play Hwatu.

At first he was scared of us, then he gave me a rice cake.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Jon Dunbar 2011